Global Environmental Crisis: A Tragedy of the Commons


  • Muhammad Farhan Ali Memon Muhammad Farhan Ali Memon Department of Sciences & Humanities, National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST) Karachi Campus, Pakistan


When an individual or some individuals uncompromisingly exploit common/shared resources for their personal use at the cost of the rest of the population that causes the tragedy of a commons and then results in the depletion of the resource. When we talk about the global crisis, Tragedy of the commons is one of the first concerns as our planet is suffering from all the damages that have been done throughout the years. From exploiting shared resources to performing poor legal actions, it is no surprise that the world’s population is facing a global crisis because it harms not only the people but the environment as well. Even though there are renewable resources like solar energy, wind energy, hydropower from flowing water, etc., there are also non-renewable resources like coal, oil, groundwater, natural gas, etc. that need to be saved and used only when needed so that these resources can last for longer. This article is a qualitative document analysis and research based piece of writing that mainly comprised of first and second hand research sources.




How to Cite

Memon, M. F. A. (2023). Global Environmental Crisis: A Tragedy of the Commons. AL-KHWARIZIMI JOURNAL OF SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 2(1). Retrieved from