Child Labor As a Global Issue and its Impacts On World’s Development


  • Amna Ameer Ali Department of International Relations, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan


Child Labor; world development; Global issue


Child labor is usually described as work that deprives youngsters in their childhood, capability and dignity and influences their bodily and intellectual improvement. Refers to the subsequent jobs:  are mentally, physically, socially or morally risky/dangerous to youngsters and restrict their mastering way’s of means of stopping them from going to high school and allow them to drop out of college prematurely. Child labour is a significant obstacle to the development of countries around the world. Despite laws prohibiting it, millions of children are forced to work long hours in hazardous conditions for little or no pay, depriving them of their childhood and educational opportunities. The root causes of child labour include poverty, lack of education, corruption, unemployment, and a disregard for worker's rights. Children are often exploited because they are easy to control, and their parents may see it as necessary to earn income and support their families. The research is a qualitative analysis of the known facts and published information on the relevant theme.

Keywords:  Child Labor; world development; Global issue




How to Cite

Ali, A. A. (2023). Child Labor As a Global Issue and its Impacts On World’s Development. AL-KHWARIZIMI JOURNAL OF SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 1(1). Retrieved from